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Pune civic body to launch rental housing scheme

The Pune municipal commissioner Vikram Kumar has proposed rental housing scheme in the city which will help migrant population.
While presenting the civic budget for 2024-25 on Thursday, Kumar said, “Many citizens who come to Pune for job and education cannot afford the properties on rent. To address the problem, the civic body has planned to rent out the flats on pilot basis, it will start from Baner area.”
“The details of the scheme are yet to be finalised but there will be some terms and conditions for the scheme and among it income would be one of the conditions,” he said.
According to city engineer Prashant Waghmare, PMC will finalise the terms and conditions before launching the scheme.
“As people who come for jobs are not able to afford the rents, PMC will become the facilitator for first few years. Our aim is that they should stay for a year or two and then upgrade their life and move in their own or other properties,” he said.
The PMC is building various flats under Prime Minister Awas Yojana and other slum rehabilitation schemes, these units would be get used for rental housing.
“PMC is getting grants from central government for developing town planning schemes in the city,” said Kumar.
